By Time

• Steering plasmon beam from a point source
  L. Li,T. Li,*S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu

• Direct observation of guided-mode interference in polymer-loaded plasmonic waveguide
  Q. Q. Cheng,T. Li,*R. Y. Guo, L. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu

• Electrically generated unidirectional surface plasmon source
  L. Wang,T. Li,L. Li, W. Xia, X. G. Xu, and S. N. Zhu

• The interaction between quantum dots and coupled magnetic plasmon in coupled metamaterial
  S. M. Wang, H. Liu,T. Li, S. N. Zhu, X. Zhang

• Hong-Ou-Mandel interference mediated by the magnetic plasmon waves in a three-dimensional optical metamaterial
  S. M. Wang, S. Y. Mu, C. Zhu, Y. X. Gong, P. Xu, H. Liu,T. Li,S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang

• Enhanced electromagnetic pressure in a sandwiched reflection grating
  Huang, CP; Wang, SB ; Yin, XG; Zhang, Y ; Liu, H ; Zhu, YY; Chan, CT
  Phys. Rev. | B 86, 085446 (2012)

• Deep subwavelength Fabry-Perot-like resonances in a sandwiched reflection grating
  Huang, CP ; Yin, XG ; Zhang, Y; Wang, SB; Zhu, YY; Liu, H; Chan, CT
  Phys. Rev. B 85, 235410 (2012) | B 85, 235410 (2012)

• Transformation bending device emulated by graded-index waveguide
  Wang, Y.; Sheng, C.; Liu, H.;
  Optics Express | 20, 13006 (2012)

• Size control of vapor bubbles on a silver film by a tuned CW laser
  Zheng, Y. J.; Wang, Y.; Liu, H.;
  AIP Advance | 2,022155(2012)

• The interaction between quantum dots and coupled magnetic plasmon in coupled metamaterial
  Wang, S. M.; Liu, H.; Li, T.;
  Phys. Lett. | A 376, 1812 (2012)

• Hong-Ou-Mandel interference mediated by the magnetic plasmon waves in a three-dimensional optical metamaterial
  S. M. Wang, S. Y. Mu, C. Zhu, Y. X. Gong, P. Xu, H. Liu, T. Li, S. N. Zhu,and X. Zhang
  Optics Express | 20, 5213 (2012)

• Review Article:Quasi-phase-matching engineering of entangled photons
  P. Xu*, S. N. Zhu*

• Observation of quantum Talbot effect from a domain-engineered nonlinear photonic crystal
  H. Jin, P. Xu*, J. S. Zhao, H. Y. Leng, M. L. Zhong, and S. N. Zhu

• Generation of polarization-entangled photon pairs via concurrent spontaneous parametric downconversions in a single χ(2) nonlinear photonic crystal
  Y. X. Gong, P. Xu*, J. Shi, L. Chen, X. Q. Yu, P. Xue, and S. N. Zhu

• Compact generation of polarization-frequency hyperentangled photon pairs by using quasi-phase-matched lithium niobate
  J. Shi, S. J. Yun, Y. F. Bai, P. Xu* and S. N. Zhu

• Multiphoton path-entanglement generation by concurrent parametric down-conversion in a single χ(2) nonlinear photonic crystal
  Y.-X. Gong, P. Xu*, Y. F. Bai, J. Yang, H. Y. Leng, Z. D. Xie, and S. N. Zhu

• Generation of positively-momentum-correlated biphotons from spontaneous parametric down-conversion
  S. J. Yun, P. Xu*, J. S. Zhao, Y. X. Gong, Y. F. Bai, J. Shi, and S. N. Zhu

• Lensless imaging by entangled photons from quadratic nonlinear photonic crystals
  P. Xu*, H. Y. Leng, Z. H. Zhu, Y. F. Bai, H. Jin, Y. X. Gong, X. Q. Yu, Z. D. Xie, S. Y. Mu and S. N. Zhu

• Multicolor cerenkov conical beams generation by cascaded-χ(2) processes in radially poled nonlinear photonic crystals
  H. X. Li, S. Y. Mu, P. Xu*, M. L. Zhong, C. D. Chen, X. P. Hu, W. N. Cui, and S. N. Zhu

• Mode-locked biphoton generation by concurrent quasi-phase-matching