
• Optical Interface States Protected by Synthetic Weyl Points
  Qiang Wang,1 Meng Xiao,2,3 Hui Liu,1,* Shining Zhu,1 and C. T. Chan2,*

• Wavefront shaping through emulated curved space in waveguide settings
  Chong Sheng1,*, Rivka Bekenstein2,*, Hui Liu1, Shining Zhu1 & Mordechai Segev2
  Nature Communications | 10747.1.(2016)

• Omnidirectional optical attractor in structured gap-surface plasmon waveguide
  Chong Sheng1, Hui Liu1, Shining Zhu1 & Dentcho A. Genov2
  Scientific Reports | 23514.1.(2016)

• Active control of electromagnetic radiation through an enhanced thermo-optic effect
  C. Sheng, H. Liu, S.N. Zhu, D.A. Genov
  Scientific Report | 5 (2015)

• Refractive index sensor based on the leaky radiation of a microfiber
  F. Gao, H. Liu, C. Sheng, C. Zhu, S.N. Zhu
  Opt Express | 22 (2014) 12645-12652.

• Trapping light by mimicking gravitational lensing
  C. Sheng, H. Liu, Y. Wang, S. N. Zhu and D. Genov
  Nature Photonics | 7, 902 (2013)

• Coupled magnetic resonator optical waveguides
  Hui Liu and Shining Zhu
  Laser Photonics Rev. | 7, 882 (2013)

• Enhanced electromagnetic pressure in a sandwiched reflection grating
  Huang, CP; Wang, SB ; Yin, XG; Zhang, Y ; Liu, H ; Zhu, YY; Chan, CT
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• Deep subwavelength Fabry-Perot-like resonances in a sandwiched reflection grating
  Huang, CP ; Yin, XG ; Zhang, Y; Wang, SB; Zhu, YY; Liu, H; Chan, CT
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• Transformation bending device emulated by graded-index waveguide
  Wang, Y.; Sheng, C.; Liu, H.; et.al
  Optics Express | 20, 13006 (2012)

• Size control of vapor bubbles on a silver film by a tuned CW laser
  Zheng, Y. J.; Wang, Y.; Liu, H.; et.al
  AIP Advance | 2,022155(2012)

• The interaction between quantum dots and coupled magnetic plasmon in coupled metamaterial
  Wang, S. M.; Liu, H.; Li, T.; et.al
  Phys. Lett. | A 376, 1812 (2012)

• Hong-Ou-Mandel interference mediated by the magnetic plasmon waves in a three-dimensional optical metamaterial
  S. M. Wang, S. Y. Mu, C. Zhu, Y. X. Gong, P. Xu, H. Liu, T. Li, S. N. Zhu,and X. Zhang
  Optics Express | 20, 5213 (2012)

• Sizable electromagnetic forces in parallel-plate metallic cavity
  Wang, S. B.; Ng, Jack; Liu, H.; et.al
  Phys. Rev. | B 84, 075114 (2011)

• Linear and nonlinear Fano resonance on two-dimensional magnetic metamaterials
  Liu, H.; Li, G. X.; Li, K. F.; et.al
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• Coherent magnetic plasmon modes in a contacting gold nano-sphere chain on a gold Slab
  Chen, K. N.; Liu, H.; Wang, S. M.; et.al
  Optics Express | 19, 23782 (2011)

• Strong plasmon coupling between two gold nanospheres on a gold slab
  Liu, H.; Ng, J.; Wang, S. B.; et. al
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• Magnetic plasmon in coupled nanosandwich structure
  Qiu, Liu; Wang, Shuming; Liu, Hui; et.al
  JOSAB | 28,1655(2011)

• Spectral analysis of enhanced third harmonic generation from plasmonic excitations
  Li, G. X.; Li, T.; Liu, H.; et.al
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• Selective optical
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