
• Fast roll-off and sensitivity of a transparency window with dual magnetic resonant modes from a split double-ring metamaterial
  Dong, Zheng-Gao; Liu, Hui; Li, Tao; et.al
  Phy. Lett. | A 375, 1148 (2011)

• Accumulating microparticles and direct-writing micropatterns using a continuous-wave laser-induced vapor bubble
  Y.J. Zheng, H. Liu, Y. Wang, C. Zhu, S. M. Wang, J. X. Cao and S. N. Zhu
  Lab On a Chip | 11, 3816(2011)

• Strong Light-Induced Negative Optical Pressure Arising from Kinetic Energy of Conduction Electrons in Plasmon-Type Cavities
  H. Liu, Jack Ng, S. B. Wang, Z. F. Lin, Z. H. Hang, C. T. Chan, and S. N. Zhu
  Phys. Rev. Lett. | 106,087401 (2011)

• Lagrange model for the chiral optical properties of stereometamaterials
  H. Liu, J. X. Cao, S. N. Zhu, N. Liu, R. Ameling, and H. Giessen
  Phys. Rev. B (rapid communication) | 81, 241403 (R) (2010)

• Cavity-involved plasmonic metamaterial for optical polarization conversion
  T. Li, S. M. Wang, J. X. Cao, H. Liu, and S. N. Zhu
  Appl. Phys. Lett. | 97, 261113 (2010)

• Plasmonically induced transparent magnetic resonance in a metallic metamaterial composed of asymmetric double bars
  Z. G. Dong , H. Liu, M. X. Xu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu and X. Zhang
  Optics Express | 18, 18229 (2010)

• High sensing properties of magnetic plasmon resonance in the double-rod and tri-rod structures
  J. X. Cao, H. Liu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, Z. G. Dong, and S. N. Zhu
  Appl. Phys. Lett. | 97, 071905 (2010)

• Electric and magnetic excitation of coherent magnetic plasmon waves in a one-dimensional meta-chain
  C. Zhu, H. Liu, S. M. Wang, T. Li, J. X. Cao, Y. J. Zheng, L. Li, Y. Wang , S. N. Zhu and X. Zhang
  Optics Express | 18, 26268 (2010)

• Enhanced sensing performance by the plasmonic analog of electromagnetically induced transparency in active metamaterials
  Z. G. Dong, H. Liu, J. X. Cao, T. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu,and X. Zhang
  Appl. Phys. Lett. | 97, 114101 (2010)

• Hybridization effect in coupled metamaterials
  H. Liu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, and S. N. Zhu
  Front. Phys. China (review paper) | 5, 277 (2010)

• The gain effect in a magnetic plasmon waveguide
  S. M. Wang, Z. H. Zhu, J. X. Cao, T. Li, H. Liu, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  Appl. Phys. Lett. | 96, 113103 (2010)

• Optical loss compensation in a bulk left-handed metamaterial by the gain in quantum dots
  Z. G. Dong, H. Liu, T. Li, Z. H. Zhu, S. M. Wang, J. X. Cao, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  Appl. Phys. Lett. | 96, 044104 (2010)

• Double-resonance nanolaser based on coupled slit-hole resonator structures
  Z. H. Zhu, H. Liu, S. M. Wang, W. M. Ye, X. D. Yuan, and S. N. Zhu
  Opt. Lett. | 35, 754 (2010)

• Magnetic Plasmon Modes Introduced by the Coupling Effect in Metamaterials
  H. Liu, Y. M. Liu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu and X. Zhang
  Chaper 11 in Book: “Metamaterials Theory, Design and Applications” (pp. 247-269) edited by T. J. Cui, D. R. Smith and R. P. Liu, Springer | (2009) (DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0573-4)

• Modeling the directed transmission and reflection enhancements of the lasing surface plasmon amplification by stimulated emission of radiation in active metamaterials
  Z. G. Dong, H. Liu, T. Li, Z. H. Zhu, S. M. Wang, J. X. Cao, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  Phys. Rev. | B 80, 235116 (2009)

• Steering polarization of infrared light through hybridization effect in a tri-rod structure
  J. X. Cao, H. Liu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, T. Q. Li, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  J. Opt. Soc. Am. | B 26, B96 (2009)

• Suppression of radiation loss by hybridization effect in two coupled split-ring resonators
  T. Q. Li, H. Liu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, J. X. Cao, Z. H. Zhu, Z. G. Dong, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  Phys. Rev. | B 80, 115113 (2009)

• Structural-configurated magnetic plasmon bands in connected ring chains
  T. Li, R. X. Ye, C. Li, H. Liu, S. M. Wang, J. X. Cao, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  Opt. Express | 17, 11486 (2009)

• Coupled magnetic plasmons in metamaterials
  H. Liu, Y. M. Liu, T. Li, S. M. Wang, S. N. Zhu, and X. Zhang
  Phys. Status Solidi | B 246, 1397 (2009)

• Optically pumped nanolaser based on two magnetic plasmon resonance modes
  Z. H. Zhu, H. Liu, S. M. Wang, T. Li, J. X. Cao, W. M. Ye, X. D. Yuan, and S. N. Zhu
  Appl. Phys. Lett. | 94, 103106 (2009)